Thursday, June 11, 2009

Mike the follower

Well all my family has a blog.  I might as well too.  So I guess this is mostly for my family.  I'm not much of a phone guy, so maybe this can help people know what I'm up to in my land of bikes and dogs. It'll probably seem more like a journal logging my daily journeys of sorts. Sometimes I'll ride for hours until I end up in a place I've never been.  This is kind of one of those spots.  The shot is looking northwest at my bike and me.  This is the other side of the forest to me, from here it'll take two hours to get home.  Mt. Hood and Mt. Jefferson are in the background they almost look like clouds and are hard to make out, but yeah it's nice out there. 
The other shot was on Monday.  My roommate Chris and I went out for a nice ride through the woods and ended up on top of dimple hill.  Home is down and to the left.  Mary's Peak is right in front of my face.  It's a place I've been frequenting with my bike lately, trying to get in shape for the big ones!